Wir starten das Projekt „Junge Meister der Logistik“

Vor kurzem hatten wir das Vergnügen, die Technische Schule ZSE Nr. 2 in Krakau zu besuchen, wo wir den Fünftklässlern der Logistikfakultät unser internes Projekt Young Logistics Champions vorstellten.

We recently had the pleasure of hosting a visit to the ZSE No. 2 technical school in Kraków, where we presented our in-house project Young Logistics Champions to fifth-graders from the logistics faculty. It consists of a 3-month theoretical and practical internship, during which the best students will be able to take their first steps in the industry and gain valuable experience under the guidance of our 6 specialists. We are convinced that this will give young people a good start in their careers!

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