When is it worthwhile to use warehouing options?

A key element in any supply chain is warehousing

By temporarily storing goods, it is possible to plan a distribution network when the time of production of goods does not coincide with the time of consumption. Warehouses are also ideal for unexpected stoppages and delays in transport operations. In such cases, the option of short-term storage of the cargo allows for the reduction of costs resulting from delays.

In the following article You will find out, Dear Customer, what types of warehousing there are, what the different phases of the warehousing process are and what is included in each warehouse.

What elements is a warehouse equipped with?​

Each room that is to be used as a warehouse must be equipped for this purpose. It is therefore necessary for it to contain various types of shelving and, in the case of valuable goods, lockable cabinets. In addition, racks (for larger products), pallets, barrels and forklift trucks are used.

Sometimes, the warehouse also includes specialised equipment to arrange cold stores or silos – for bulk goods. Some facilities also have a dedicated area for storing fuel.

What is the storage process like?

The warehousing process, regardless of the function performed, follows the same pattern. It involves the following steps:

  • Receiving – this phase consists of, among other things: documentation, checking the condition of the goods and handing over the delivery for storage
  • Storage – this consists of the transfer and temporary storage of stock as agreed and its regular inspection
  • Completion – this phase consists of activities such as picking orders and packing them in a way that allows the cargo to be transported safely
  • Releasing – the last phase of the warehousing process, as the name suggests, is the verification of the goods to be released and the handover of the goods to the owner.

Warehouses - what types can be distinguished?

There are several criteria by which warehouses can be classified. They can be divided according to their construction (open, semi-open and closed), their function (container, delivery, customs, distribution, transhipment, consignment, production and industrial), the location of the goods in the warehouse (permanent storage, free storage, distribution by frequency of picking) or the method of loading (low storage, medium storage, high storage).

A particularly important classification from the point of view of our Customers is the classification by purpose, which is why we would like to take a closer look at it. Without being aware of the options within this classification, we will not be able to choose the right place to store Your (specific) goods.

What possibilities exist within the division of warehouses by function?

  • Container depots – the carrier stores, delivers and receives containers to operators and shippers
  • Bonded warehouses – this type ensures the storage of goods until they are released by customs
  • Consignment warehouses – these are looked after by customs. The stored materials are the property of the supplier until they are released from the warehouses. They are a common choice when importing goods from outside the European Union.
  • Delivery warehouses – within these, the cargo is collected, completed and released (the sequence of the various stages is crucial).
  • Manufacturing or industrial warehouses – these include supply or finished product warehouses, operating on behalf of factories.
  • Distribution warehouses – the goods collected come from various manufacturers and are successively completed for the retail trade.
  • Transshipment warehouses – their purpose is to transfer goods from one mode of transport to another. This type of warehousing is found in ports and hub stations.

Warehousing also as part of the Matex Transport offer

At Matex Transport we make every effort to ensure that our services reflect the real needs of our Customers. For this reason we decided to enrich our offer with the possibility of storage. We know perfectly well how important the fluidity of the supply chain is for them. Sometimes, however, this is disrupted by delays and stoppages, which are often due to external factors such as traffic jams or difficult weather conditions. The possibility of using a warehousing service during such circumstances avoids large financial losses.

As part of the service, we provide You, Dear Customer:

  • Storage of the goods in the warehouse
  • Unloading and loading of the goods
  • Complementation service
  • Possibility of packing or repacking Your products

Check the current network of available warehouses and in case of any downtime – contact us, we will take care of the rest. We will temporarily store Your cargo in a safe and dedicated location, from which it can continue its journey at Your convenience.

Let's talk about what we can do for you!

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