Matex Foundation 'Bezbronni'

cover foto - FUNDACJA

For the over past 10 years we have been supporting foundations and actively participating in a number of charitable activities, including improving conditions in the Krakow shelter for homeless animals and helping children with cancer. The thought that we could do more inspired us to create the Matex "Bezbronni" Foundation. We want to encourage you to help.

Our own foundation gives us many more opportunities when it comes to helping others. Trust here is the foundation, that’s why all our actions are carefully thought out, because we are aware that every interference has a huge impact on the environment. We look forward to constant cooperation with companies and people who feel the same need to help others like us and do not know what steps to take.

We help where we see injustice and harm to the innocent.

How you can help?

Join us

There are several ways in which you can help – one of them is the collection of the most needed items, which we organise from time to time at the Matex Transport headquarters at 2 Kilińskiego Street in Krakow (an office building near the Grunwaldzkie roundabout). We prepare such a list in consultation with the organisation we are currently supporting.

Making bank donation

You can donate any amount directly to the account of the Matex Foundation ‘Bezbronni’.

Bank transfer details: 
Account number PLN:  18 1020 2906 0000 1102 0441 7390
Account number EUR:  25 1020 2906 0000 1402 0441 7408
For payments abroad, use the Swift code BPKOPLPW

Donation transfer

The Matex ‘Bezbronni’ Foundation has been a public benefit organization since November 19, 2019.

Every polish taxpayer can donate their 1,5% tax to a Public Benefit Organisation (OPP) of their choice. Just enter the KRS number of the organisation of your choice. Matex ‘Bezbronni’ Foundation KRS: 0000814357

A commercial law company may deduct a donation from the income of:

In the case of a cash donation:

  • if the donations to the Matex ‘Bezbronni’ oundation were made on the basis of a bank account transfer and the Company has proof of this.

In the case of a non-cash donation:

  • based on the evidence from which the donor’s identification data and the value of the donation transferred together with the Matex ‘Bezbronni’ Foundation’s statement on its acceptance
    The amount of the donation, if the transferor is a commercial law company, may be deducted in an amount not exceeding 10% of the Donor’s tax income.

Promoting information about foundation

Sometimes exchanging a few sentences during a social or family gathering can do more than we can expect. Thanks to sharing our post on Facebook, the reach of recipients increases, which means that more people can reach our Foundation and support it. Our mission is not only to help the weak and defenseless, but also to make others aware that the problem of cruelty and injustice is found both in your and their surroundings.

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